How to implement Countries List API in your project

How to implement Countries List API in your project

How to implement Countries List API in your project

Hello, in this article we will learn how to implement Countries List inside your project (website, android app, etc).

here's an example of android app:

first, we will use CountriesList library from Github:

Why this library

  • Easy to use anywhere.
  • You can add unlimited translation for the same file without editing the main function or use Hardcoded.
  • You can use country_code key to use it in your sytem for calling codes.
  • you can display country name with it's flag easily.

You can easily use the ready api directly by using this link:

  • api parameters: lang=ar OR lang=en
  • api response: JSON Encode.
  • JSON response example:

You can use this api directly and call this link from your project and get the JSON response.

Or you can create your api from zero at your own server & use your own link.

First, Download The Library Files That I Mentioned Before From Github:

This Library is very flexable and easy to use & edit.

Inside Localization folder you will find the translation of the countries name you can add new translation file by creating file called country_[lang symbol].php such as spanish, you will create a file named country_sp.php.

and after that copy all content that inside default_strings.php file 'this is the translation schema'

now if anyone called the api url and put this parameter: 'lang=sp' the api will return the countries list with spanish.

That's all, Follow For More :)

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